Duncan Blog

Dr. Eric Duncan Blog

Duncan Chiropractic Group P.C.


Monday, November 7, 2011

How Stress Is Ruining Your Life!

   Did you know there are relaxation techniques that can do wonders to relieve your stress?  With times being so tough, who doesn't need a good way to calm down and feel better?   
A lot of people just ignore stress.  But, stress is much bigger problem than most people think -- it's actually a killer.   

Why Is Stress Such A Killer?
        Stress changes body chemistry and these changes, over time, can lead to all kinds of chronic (and deadly) diseases.

        Stress weakens your body's natural immune system and makes you susceptible to the common cold, the flu and many other germs.

        According to Care2..."In the US, stress-related problems cost the economy up to $300 billion dollars per year, with $7,500 dollars per person lost per year to stress, whether through absenteeism or decreased productivity. According to the American Psychological Association and The American Institute of Stress, over 19 million Americans are affected by stress; 77 percent suffer from physical symptoms, and 73 percent from emotional and psychological symptoms. And by one account...  it is on the rise."

        Obviously, stress is not something that should just be "shrugged off." 

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