Duncan Blog

Dr. Eric Duncan Blog

Duncan Chiropractic Group P.C.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Popular Obesity Surgery Worse Than They Thought

Study believed to be the first to track long-term effects
of laparoscopic gastric band surgery finds problems.

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. BMI is calculated from a person's weight and height, and provides a reasonable indicator of body "fatness" and weight categories that may lead to health problems.

Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer, and Type 2 Diabetes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States. In 2009, only Colorado and the District of Columbia had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%.

Thirty-three states had prevalence equal to or greater than 25%; nine of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia) had a prevalence of obesity equal to or greater than 30%."

Obviously, obesity is a big problem, but what if a...

Treatment Is Worse Than
The "Disease"?

This may be the case, according to a study on the long term effects of laparoscopic gastric band surgery.

Researchers of the study, published in the Archives of Surgery, said, "The bands eroded in almost one in three patients. Sixty percent had undergone additional surgery, including 17 percent who went on to have gastric bypass."

A related article in The New York Times added: The results "are worse than we expected," said Dr. Jacques Himpens of the European School of Laparoscopic Surgery and St. Pierre University Hospital in Brussels, lead author of the new study. Dr. Himpens advised those considering gastric band surgery not to "nourish exaggerated expectations," adding that "anyone who has had the procedure should see a care provider on a regular basis and be vigilant about signs of infection or band erosion."

A Better Solution?

Once again, research has shown there are almost always unwanted side effects to every drug or surgery.

So, the question becomes - is the potential benefit worth that negative side effect?
But, an even smarter question is - is there an all-natural alternative that does not come with the same inherent risks of drugs and surgery?
In this case, the answer for many people is... YES!

For many people, obesity and weight problems can be accomplished by PERMANENT lifestyle changes.
In other words, finding what foods work for your body chemistry, eating those foods... and... exercising correctly... FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

This may seem like a daunting task, but the alternative is chilling. As research shows, quick fixes tend to lead to more problems.

Nothing in life worth having comes without a price. To achieve real health, the price is putting in the effort to eat right, exercise, reduce stress and keep your muscles working properly.

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